My name is Jonathan Baum.
I am the founder of Avenir Guild
and a securities lawyer.
(This is the view from my desk.)
More than 40 years of experience as a provider and consumer of legal services makes it clear to me that the current structures are failing lawyers and their clients.

The turning point came 30 years ago when after several years at a leading law firm and a major Wall Street investment bank I found myself unemployed and seemingly unemployable. The expertise I had as a veteran of countless IPOs, private placements, regulatory fights won,and M&A deals closed meant nothing without a sizeable "portable book" of business. Law firm offers were grimly similar: "Bring in $X over the next 12 months or you're gone."
If that's what I had to do, why not benefit entirely from my efforts? So I started with one client, then another, moved to this small gorgeous town in New England, raised a family, and made a new life for myself. Every morning I either cycle, swim, or ski. Then I head up to my office (see above picture) and serve my funds clients throughout the US, London, and southeast Asia .
And when I read every day about the stress and general unhappiness of my fellow counsel regardless of where they are in their careers I think, it doesn't have to be this way. We can do better for ourselves and our clients.
I founded Avenir Guild to help my colleagues be happier and more fulfilled in their professional lives and by extension, their non-working lives.

If I had the resources 40 years ago that Avenir Guild makes available today I would have arrived here sooner and with a lot less scar tissue.
My Life Before
My life in NYC was fairly typical with a few life-changing bumps. Big firm (Fenwick), Wall Street (EF Hutton/Shearson), large restructuring project. Without a "meaningful" book of business I made the move to go out on my own. And I haven't looked back.
Over the years friends at the big firms would wonder how I tolerate the risk of being on my own (what I call "independent"). I could only respond with "How do you tolerate the risk of being in a firm?"

My Life Today
From the attic of a Victorian home in a small New England town I serve corporate/securities clients located in the US, Europe, South America, and Asia. When needed, I collaborate with lawyers and other professionals who have the expertise I need regardless of their location. I spend a day in New York City every month or so. With the kids up and out I spend more time with my wife, music, cycling, whitewater kayaking, swimming, and serving as an adaptive ski coach.